Essay writing My concept of a teacher

My concept of a Teacher
        A teacher should be a role model to students and a teacher should gain more information to teach her students. A teacher helps others to acquire knowledge competences or values. Teachers like other professionals, may have to or choose to contiunue their education after qualify a process known as continuing professional development.
        “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the
            Imagination, and instill a love of learning”
Teaching for students:
        The term ‘teaching’ clearly implies that the person who is engaged in her activity intends the students to learn something. The term ‘teaching ‘also includes ‘tasks’ and ‘achievement’. Teacher assists in learning outside the classroom by accompanying students on the field trips. He is engaged in selecting and arranging objects, developing learning activities, selecting teaching stragies, understanding learners, planning for motivation for students and designing evaluation procedures.
Teaching is an art:
        The act of teaching are many; such acts are informing, explaning describing,exemplying etc.... There is another category of acts which is concerned with controlling, motivation and evaluating.
Encouragement of teachers:
       Teachers should set challenging goals for learning. Make expectations clear both orally and in writing. Encourage students to write and speak well.


Encouraging student’s involvement:
       Ask students to present work to the class. Ask students to relate outside events to class material. Give students real life situations to analyze. Encourage students to challenge course materials. Be sure to make clear that showing disrespect to you or other students is not appropriate.
Communicating knowledge:
       When a teacher is teaching he is often giving new information to his children. This is one essential part of teaching that is communicating knowledge.
        Teaching from this point of view is a matter of helping the child to respond to his environment in an effective way. Thus teaching is helping a child to adjust himself to his environment.
                 “The best teacher teaches from the heart
                   Not from the book”.


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